Starting a Fund

Giving through the Community Foundation means you might feed a family, protect and preserve a watershed, or help people on their path to sobriety.

Yes, that kind of change is possible.

There are several fund types from which to choose. You may donate to an existing fund or establish your own, named fund with a donation of $10,000 or more, depending on the type of fund. We have plenty of giving options. Once you have decided what type of fund best matches your charitable priorities and interests, we recommend meeting with a professional advisor to see how a fund at the Community Foundation fits into your financial plans.

We’ll work with your professional advisor

A community foundation is a single, trusted vehicle you can use to address issues that matter to you, while gaining the maximum tax benefit under state and federal law. We augment your professional advisor’s services, offering personalized attention, local expertise and community-wide reach.

For families, this is a significant tool that can support and honor the values and goals created during the donor’s lifetime.”

– Mark Hooper, CPA, partner, Andrews Hooper and Pavlik PLC