Play Michigan!

Universally Accessible Playground Opened September 16, 2023

The Community Foundation built Play Michigan!, the first universally accessible playground in the region, designed to promote inclusivity and the health and well-being of ALL children. And because the playground is fully accessible, parents and grandparents who have physical limitations are able to enjoy playing with their children and grandchildren. This extraordinary $3.2 million+ playground-park on the downtown Lansing riverfront is a destination for families throughout our region and beyond.

The Community Foundation’s designers have far exceeded ADA requirements in order to create a completely barrier-free environment where all children and adults, regardless of ability, can play side-by-side throughout the entire park. Children with sensory disabilities or developmental disabilities have lots to explore as well. The playground-park maximizes inclusivity and normalizes differences, while promoting the healthy development of all children for generations to come.

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A big THANK YOU to the Community Foundation for all you did to bring the accessible playground to Downtown Lansing. We had the opportunity to take our toddler, Max, to the playground for the first time and he LOVED it. The playground was full of happy families, and I also loved the connections to the River Trail. Play Michigan! is a huge asset to our community and Downtown Lansing, so many, many thanks again to the Community Foundation for your vision and support!"

– Katharine M. Hude, community member

The Community Foundation led this project in partnership with the City of Lansing. Thank you to our major sponsors:

  • AF Group, lead sponsor
  • CASE Credit Union, lead sponsor
  • Linda and Joel Zylstra, whose original vision sparked the project
  • John and Jewel Bos
  • Eileen and Jerry Fhaner
  • Sparrow Health System
  • Mary Free Bed
  • Michigan Medicine
  • Peckham

Frequently Asked Questions

About the new universally accessible playground-park

We’re thrilled with the overwhelming positive feedback on our new universally accessible playground project! Every area of the park is accessible to children of all abilities, and we’ve worked hard to ensure the waterfront can be safely enjoyed by all.