Why Donors Partner With Us

You care about your community and ensuring our region is a vibrant and thriving place to call home.

You have a vision for making a difference in the community; we offer a number of customized charitable funds focused on improving our community. Starting with your vision, we work with you to create the most impactful and effective ways to give back.

Reasons Why Donors Partner With Us

  1. Funds are Invested for Growth
    It’s simple and quick to open a fund that will be invested for growth. Your gift will be placed in our highly diversified asset pool, benefiting from the guidance of experienced professional investment managers. We do the work while you get the joy of giving.
  2. Maximum Tax Benefits
    Your contributions qualify for the maximum allowable deduction for income, gift, and estate tax purposes. You can maximize your charitable deductions by “bunching” multiple years of contributions to exceed the tax deduction threshold, while supporting the causes you care about each year.
  3. Creative Giving Options
    We offer abundant choices to make current gifts, deferred gifts and gifts that provide you with income. We will work with you and your professional advisor to identify your best giving options.
  4. Community Knowledge and Impact
    We have our finger on the pulse of nonprofits and needs in Ingham, Clinton, and Eaton counties. We can help you make the most informed decisions possible about your giving.
  5. Recognition or Anonymity
    The Community Foundation appreciates the generosity of our donors! Stories of charitable donors can inspire others to give, although anonymity is also available for donors who prefer that option.
  6. Leave Your Legacy
    Through an endowment fund at the Community Foundation, your gifts are protected and work to benefit the causes you care about, today and forever.