Impact Grants

The Capital Region Community Foundation provides charitable funding to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations and other eligible entities, for projects and programs that predominantly benefit residents of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties, Michigan.

Impact Grants are meant to increase the long-term impact of an organization or program, increase the organization’s ability to reach under-served populations, or enable two or more nonprofits to work collaboratively to create transformative and sustainable community change.

Impact Projects must meet at least one of the following Impact Criteria:

  • Significantly increase the long-term impact of an organization or program, not provide for ongoing operations (routine expenses such as ongoing programming, occupancy, administration, etc.) For example, Impact Grants will not purchase food for a pantry; however, we might purchase equipment that help a pantry stock healthier options to impact the health of their clients.
  • Significantly increase an organization’s ability to reach under-served populations, rather than simply serve more people. For example, Impact Grants are not designed to increase the number of people utilizing an existing program, but rather to help expand a successful program to have greater impact to a new, high-need population.
  • Enable two or more nonprofits to work collaboratively to create transformative and sustainable community change. We welcome applications where two or more organizations are collaborating to implement a solution to a critical community issue.

Important to Know

  • The application process includes a Preliminary Application and, if invited by the committee, a Full Application.
  • Impact Grants are not awarded in consecutive years. If you received an Impact Grant in 2024, you are not eligible to apply for an Impact Grant in 2025.
  • Impact Grants require the grantee to secure a 1:1 cash match prior to payment.
  • The Community Foundation will consider leadership gifts early in the capital campaign process to help leverage other giving.


Impact Grant Timeline:

The 2024 Impact Grant preliminary application period has closed. Thank you to those who have applied for 2024.

Final Application Period (by invitation only): June 21 - July 25, 2024. Final applications will be reviewed by committee in mid-September, with notification in mid-September.

Impact Grant Preliminary Applications require the following attachments:

  1. Your organization’s most recent income statement, including all sources of revenue and all expenses
  2. Any photos or other marketing materials that may help the committee to understand your organization and the project

Impact Grant Final Applications require the following attachments:

  1. A complete project budget worksheet
  2. If applicable, your Fiscal Agent’s letter of endorsement
  3. Your organization’s current operating budget (including all income and expense items)
  4. Letters of Support: at least one, but no more than three, letters of support for your application. Letters should verify the community need for your project and confirm any planned collaborations.
  5. List of board or council members - with their professional positions
  6. Most recent balance sheet – please note that as part of the review process, the Foundation may also request your most recent audit.
  7. If you are applying for a capital purchase, include any photos that may help the committee to understand the scope of the project.