Get Involved

You Belong Here

Are you looking for ways to make a meaningful impact in your community? Do you believe in the power of collective action to drive positive change? Welcome to Underground of Good and the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) - two influential groups committed to empowering individuals and fostering impactful philanthropy among all ages.

Youth Advisory Council (YAC):

Are you a high school student eager to make your mark on the world? The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) provides a unique platform for teens to lead and serve, all while making a tangible impact on the lives of their peers.

As a member of the YAC, you'll:

  • Empower Youth Voices: Take an active role in identifying and addressing the needs of local youth. From awarding grants to partnering with youth-serving organizations, you'll have the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of young people in your community.
  • Engage in Impactful Initiatives: Participate in exciting events and workshops designed to raise awareness about critical issues facing teenagers today. Whether it's hosting a mental wellness workshop or organizing a community service project, you'll have the chance to be a catalyst for positive change.
  • Connect with a Supportive Community: Join a welcoming community of young leaders who are passionate about creating a better world. Together, we can amplify our voices and advocate for issues that matter to us, making our collective impact even greater.

Make your voice heard and join the Youth Advisory Council today!

Underground of Good:

Underground of Good isn't just a giving circle; it's a movement of passionate young professionals dedicated to creating lasting change. Our members, from various backgrounds and professions, come together with one common goal: to make a difference in the world around us.

As a member of Underground of Good, you'll:

  • Connect with Like-Minded Changemakers: Join a diverse network of individuals who share your enthusiasm for philanthropy and social impact. Through our social gatherings and events, you'll have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and forge connections with others who are equally passionate about making a difference.
  • Maximize Your Impact: Alone, our contributions may seem modest, but together, we have the power to effect real change. By pooling our resources, we amplify our collective giving power, enabling us to support innovative initiatives and address pressing community needs in a more significant way.
  • Invest in a Better Future: We believe in creating a legacy of positive change that will benefit future generations. That's why a portion of our donations is invested in an endowment, ensuring that our impact continues to grow and thrive long into the future.

Join Underground of Good today and be part of a movement that is reshaping philanthropy for a brighter tomorrow.

Emerging Philanthropists:

Looking for a more diverse range of giving options? Consider becoming a donor or fundholder at the Community Foundation. Our foundation serves as a hub for philanthropy, connecting donors with causes they care about and supporting a wide range of initiatives that benefit the community.

As a donor or fundholder, you'll:

  • Customize Your Giving: Whether you're passionate about education, healthcare, the environment, or any other cause, we provide the flexibility to tailor your giving to align with your interests and values.
  • Leverage Our Expertise: Benefit from our knowledge and expertise in philanthropy. Our team can help you identify strategic giving opportunities, navigate complex issues, and maximize the impact of your charitable contributions.
  • Create a Lasting Legacy: Leave a lasting legacy by establishing a charitable fund that will support causes you care about for generations to come. Whether you're interested in supporting specific nonprofits, funding scholarships, or addressing community needs, we can help you create a plan that reflects your philanthropic vision.


Get Involved:

Join us in igniting change, empowering individuals, and building stronger, more vibrant communities. Whether you choose to join Underground of Good, the Youth Advisory Council, or become a donor or fundholder at the Community Foundation, your involvement has the power to make a lasting impact. Together, let's create a vibrant, thriving community for the capital region.