Select Multiple Funds

This option allows you to donate to multiple funds in one transaction. Please read the instructions below before proceeding.

In the 'Donation Amount' field, enter the total amount for all of the gifts you wish to make. For example, if you are giving $100 each to 5 different funds, you would enter $500.

The 'Donation Designation' field will automatically populate to say 'Select Multiple Funds.'

Fill out the following recognition and in memory or honor of options questions as usual.

In the 'Additional Comments/Requests' field, enter in the breakdown of funds and amounts. For example, you would list: "Fund A: $100, Fund B: $100, Fund C: $80, etc." The amounts listed should equal the total amount you entered above in the 'Donation Amount' field.

Click the 'Donate' button below to make your gifts.
